Thursday, January 10, 2008

Reflections on 2007

I'm stealing from my friend Becky again! It won't be the last time! I don't feel too bad though because she stole the idea from someone else first!

2007 is gone, and although I'm mostly focused on what 2008 holds for my family, I think it's good to also take a moment to reflect upon what we did in 2008. So here is a list of firsts we encountered in 2007...

What We Did in 2007!

1. Discovered Mobility--This year the kids learned to crawl, climb, cruise, and finally walk! It was a big year for physical development, leading up to the current state of chaos we now exist in. The kids are always running around the house and you never know what they're going to get into next! Every day is an adventure!

2. Started a Blog!--In Jan of 2007 I wrote the first post for this blog! I have loved having a blog! It gives me a creative outlet and allows me to share this precious and amazing family with the world!

3. Did it Alone--Jim and I both learned to take care of the kids by ourselves this year. Naturally, this is something singleton parents do often immediately, but we were blessed with loads of help to tend all the babies, and they had been around for months before either of us really had to do alone. Now, I keep the kids by myself nearly every day, and Jim has taken care of them by himself too. I'm proud of us both!

4. Became Literary--Jim and I joined a book club this past year. Well, I guess, started a book club is more accurate, but I have to give Michelle credit for it being her idea in the first place. She said we should have a book club, and Jim and I made it happen! There are 6 of us total, 4 girls and 2 guys, and it has been really fabulous! I love that Jim and I are reading the same books and then getting together with friends to discuss them. I think it makes us all feel smart, which is something I don't feel much of the day..."Look a doggie! Do you see the doggie? Where is the doggie? What does a doggie say?"

5. Turned One!--As you probably know, the kids celebrated their first birthdays in 2007. Read all about it here!

6. Returned to Church--We were pretty reclusive throughout the kids' first winter/RSV season, but as Spring arrived and our potential for serious illness faded, we braved the outside world and starting going to church regularly again. Well, as regularly as we could anyway! What a joy it has been to worship God with our church family again, to fellowship with them, to sing and pray and hear the Word of God in a church setting...while the kids played in the nursery! Ahhh, so nice! Unfortunately, nursery care only covers us until the kids are 2, so we'll be starting "church-training" soon. That is, bringing 1 child with us to worship while the others are in the nursery, to start getting them used to somewhat appropriate church behavior. We'll see how it goes!

I could probably go on and on, but this is getting long already! It was a big year for firsts! I look forward to the firsts that 2008 holds for us!

What did you do in 2007?

1 comment:

Bridgette said...

OOhhh...I think I'll steal your idea and do my own "What happened in 2007", but more importantly how can I be in your book club, and what books are you reading??