Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One More VBS Story

Okay, here's what I learned from VBS...breakfast does not have to be eaten at the kitchen table!

I know, I'm a little slow sometimes, and once I'm in the habit of always feeding the kids their meals at the table, it's hard for me to get out of the rut. Pity me.

Anyway, first I discovered that waffles are great for eating in the car. Hardin Valley is way across town and VBS started at 9. That meant we had to leave the house by 8:30 at the LATEST, and preferably before that. That is really early for me to have kids up and ready to walk out the door. A couple of those days we had to take Jim to work first, which meant leaving even earlier, but at least I had his help getting ready!

In addition to feeding the kids in the car, I also discovered I could feed them in their room. I would walk through the door with breakfast, lay it out on the train table, and they would eat while I got diapers and clothes ready. They could alternate getting ready and eating, and by the time everyone was ready to go, they had all finished their breakfasts! Genius!


Anonymous said...

Many a waffle has been eaten in our backseat. So glad the kids enjoyed VBS! -Stephanie

NikkiMc said...

Plastic baggies of dry cereal are our in the car breakfasts. Once Joseph starts kindergarten, this will probably become an everyday meal! I'm enjoying catching up with the Harris family!