Friday, February 12, 2010

Bring On the Gold!


Thanks to the stuffed animals we received from our Canadian friends back in the summer of 2008 (Thanks again, Matt and Luanne!), we have been ready for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics for a good long time! Finally, they have arrived, and we are ready! Can’t you tell by the kids’ excited faces in the above picture? Unfortunately, it’s not that great a picture of the Olympic mascots…and the moose, by the way, is not actually a mascot. He’s just very Canadian! Also unfortunate, the kids aren’t smiling about the Olympics. They don’t even know what the Olympics are. At least not yet! They’re just excited about the fun new picture pose! Seriously! Sometimes it doesn’t take much to amuse those sweeties!

So right now, the Olympics are on, the kids are asleep, and I’m excited!!

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