WARNING: Lengthy post with LOTS and LOTS of pictures!
To begin, I want to give a great big thank you to my dad who bravely drove to Knoxville, left his car behind, and drove my van-full of children (and me) to Memphis! Thank you! Thank you!
We arrived in Memphis on Friday afternoon, and although our descent upon the cousins' "territory" was a little overwhelming at first, all the kids quickly adapted to the new arrangements, and they really had a blast together the whole time we were there!
Playing Ring-Around-the-Rosie
A couple of days we went to Jojo and Jeff's house to play. Happily no one threw up there like they did on our last visit back in the fall. Yuck! This time there was nothing but good times for everyone!
And of course, we did a WHOLE LOT of playing at Bud and KayKay house! There were lots of toys and balloons to play with and a cat to terrorize inside (Poor Puddin) and bubbles and balls and hills to climb outside!
(front row) Thomas, Jonathan, Reagan
This is only a sampling of all the pictures I took while we were in Memphis. My sister also got some really great ones, which I will post as soon as I get them. If you can't wait, you can go read her blog: The Perkins Girls!
We had such a great time visiting all our family in Memphis. The kids did really well adjusting to a new place and new routines. They even adjusted decently well to sleeping in the big twin beds. It was certainly a better experience than last time!
We also enjoyed getting to see some friends and making a couple new ones! Thank you Mom and Dad for all the work you did to make our stay a good one! We love you!
It was a really great visit, but a long time to be away from home, so the kids and I were very happy when Jim showed up in Memphis after his long week of house renovating! We missed him so much while we were gone! And what a treat to come home to a beautiful "new" house!
Coming soon...another house project and...
We LOVED having all of you!
K-K & Bud
Great pics!! Loved seeing you guys and can't wait to do it again soon!!!
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