Sunday, November 11, 2007

Why Didn't We Think of This Before?!?

Recently my brilliant husband figured out an affordable way to block off a play area outside so that I can actually take the kids outdoors by myself without worrying that one is going to disappear around the corner of the house while two others are falling off into the creek and the fourth one is running over to play at Carter's house! I only wish he had thought of it months ago!

It's just like that orange construction netting, only it's green

I love the patio! Go Vols!

It really is perfect, at least for now! We can go outside and run around and throw balls and ride our wheeled toys and really enjoy the sunshine and fresh air! It's great! Next Spring, we hope to put up an actual fence around the backyard, so we'll have a whole lot of space to run around in then, while still keeping the horde contained and safe from falling in the creek! Very important!

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