Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The kids love to say NO! They say it all the time, to me, to Jim, to each other, to no one or anyone at all. It's a favorite word for all four of them. But it's particularly hard not to laugh at them, and myself, when the NO is accompanied by the shake of a finger because I know they got that from me. Reagan is especially entertaining as she wrinkles up her top lip and drags the "n" sound out when saying NO. I hope to get it on tape. It definitely needs to be recorded!

I hope this isn't what I look like!


Unknown said...

That is the best pic ever!
Lucas likes to say "no" also. He is a bit more reserved in using it though, preferring to only yell it at any friends who come by for a play date. If they even look at his toys the "no's" start flying.

debi9kids said...

LOL! Great picture! It just looks like she is saying "no". LOL

Jenny B said...

This is TOO cute!:) i've been saying the dreaded no word more now that the quads are becoming more mobile and everytime i say it i think ..."Oh man how long before they catch onto this word...ugh." oh well i guess there's no getting around it.:) Your kiddos are so cute!