8:00 Wake up, Drink bottles
9:30 Cereal or oatmeal
10:30 Naptime (That's right, they all nap at the same time!)
Noon Wake up, Drink bottles
2:30 Naptime
4:00 Wake up, Drink bottles
5:30 Dinner solid food
7:30 Bathtime followed by bottles
8:30-9:00 Bedtime
In between all the eating and sleeping is lots of playtime! This is about what we've been doing for the last couple of months. There used to be a short evening nap and bathtime started at 8:00, but we cut that nap sometime in January and moved bathtime up half an hour. This schedule is also likely to change more as we try to add more solid food. Currently it's a good schedule for us. The two naptimes and the earlier bedtime are so great for me! Having all the kids sleeping at the same time means Jim and I actually have some time to ourselves to get things done or just relax. It's wonderful!
Here's a picture of what our schedule looked like several months ago when Thomas first came home and was eating at different times from the other three kids:
Notice it's all eating, medicine, and breathing treatments (no naptimes) and stretches from 7:30 in the morning to 5:00 the next morning! Yuck!
I have really enjoyed your blog. You sound so organized! Do they hold their own bottles? When you get a chance, you'll have to let us know how many diapers you go through a day and how many loads of laundry you do a day.
Tricia Lillard
Interesting to know.
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