This is my beautiful daughter Reagan. Notice the missing teeth. Soon she would lose another one, and things would get bad, VERY BAD. Just wait.
Bud and KK came for a visit over Spring Break, and Bud taught the kids to play dominoes. They had a lot of fun! Thanks Bud!
We also had an Easter egg hunt while Bud and KK were here.
After their visit, it was time to get ready for Easter, so we dyed our eggs.
On Easter, we had a visit from the Easter Bunny, enjoyed a moving church service, and hunted more eggs in the afternoon.
Don’t skim by those pictures too quickly! Can you see it? The bane of my existence during that time? Look closer.
DO YOU SEE IT?!?!? When Reagan lost one of her top front teeth, the other one held on for what seemed like eternity, CROOKED, right in the middle of her smile. It was so gross to look at. It makes me cringe just to look at it!
A couple of the kids got kites at our church’s Spring Festival. One afternoon, when the wind was blowing, Jim took the kids out and gave them their first flying lessons!
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