Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and granddads in our life, especially my dad and my husband!  I love you!
In honor of Father’s Day, I’m skipping ahead in the summer posting catch-up to the BRONCO RALLY!!
In case you don’t know this about us, we have a Bronco.
And Daddy LOVES the Bronco!
So this past April we overnighted in Townsend (the kids’ first hotel stay!  Who knew hotels were so much fun!) and spent some time with other people who also LOVE THEIR BRONCOS!!
And we had a super-awesome time!
The kids in front of the Balloon Chaser Bronco Ambulance
Now, for those of you who don’t know much about Broncos, they generally seat four people, five if three squeeze themselves into the back bench seat.  BUT WE ARE A FAMILY OF SIX.  So that’s a problem.  Except my husband is a genius!  He figured out how to put TWO bench seats in the back of the Bronco, lining them along the sides, facing each other, like the back of an Army truck.  Voila!  Room for all four kids in the back!  Once we get some harness straps installed back there, we’ll be ready to roll all over town!
Until then, we can still take the Bronco to the rally and show off Dad’s handiwork!  The seating arrangement is an unusual one, so it got a lot of attention from the other rally-goers.  And JonZReaTom got a lot of attention too!
So what do little kids do at a Bronco rally?  Surprisingly, a lot!  There was a Kiddie Olympics with all sorts of sporting events and a medal and a basket of goodies.  There was an Easter egg hunt with eggs that had actual money in them!  And let’s not forget the coloring contest and awards ceremony!  We almost missed the announcement of Reagan winning SECOND PLACE in the coloring contest!
The boys all won honorable mention.  They didn’t get a big trophy like Reagan, but they did all get to pick out their own Matchbox Bronco toys!
And don’t forget that there were some really cool Broncos to look at!
The boys really liked the monster Bronco
Suzy’s was Reagan’s favorite!
Dad’s favorite was ALL of them!
It was a great, exhausting weekend!  I have no doubts that we’ll go again next year! 
Happy Father’s Day everyone!

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